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Brainstorming Session


Legal Protection for Your Business' Brand,

Ideas and Products

Today's business environment is characterized by both increasing employee mobility and competition for employee talent. Both of these characteristics call for extra vigilance on the part of businesses to protect their trade secrets and other intellectual property, which are arguably any company's most valuable assets. Failure to protect these assets can result in irreparable damage for a company, especially lost customer relationships and financial hardship. Costyn Law can help prevent your company from ever experiencing this kind of damage.  


Highly experienced with developing appropriate and enforceable confidentiality and restrictive covenant agreements, Costyn Law can develop agreements with contractual provisions that address federal laws in addition to specific, jurisdictional statutes and common laws. However, a good confidentiality or restrictive covenant agreements does not have to be complicated and/or long; it only needs to include the appropriate provisions to be effective, such as:


  • Identification of the parties;

  • Definition of what is deemed confidential;

  • The scope of the confidentiality obligation by the receiving party;

  • The exclusions from confidential treatment;

  • The term of the agreement;

  • Employee solicitation restrictions;

  • Determination of jurisdiction in a dispute;

  • And the right to injunctive relief.


When confronted with a breach of the terms of a restrictive covenant by an employee, our clients can rely on Costyn Law, which specializes in non-compete litigation, to expediently and effectively pursue the course of action necessary to protect their interests. Whatever course of action Costyn Law pursues, whether it be one that includes court appearances; filing for injunctive relief; suing for damages; or a combination thereof, it will ultimately represent an actionable plan to quickly thwart the misuse and misappropriation of our client's competitive assets. Contact us so we can begin enacting a plan to protect your company's most valuable assets. 


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